As a Certified Life Coach / Trainer I work with a wide range of clients from all over the world and offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each individual. In a supportive atmosphere, I help clients attain the professional and personal growth they're striving for.
I offer sessions, both in-person on the phone or via Face Time, Google Hangouts or Facebook Messenger. We will start with an initial assessment to clearly define your short and long term goals, everything from communication skills to personal acceptance. We will use these goals as a foundation to create a strategy for attaining these objectives and discuss your desired agenda.
© 2013 | Inmer Perez
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is a Life Coach?
Why Would I Need Help?
How Do I Work With a Coach?
What Should I Look for in a Life or Wellness Coach?
Just about everyone has a vision of his or her ideal life. Maybe you've always dreamed of being a successful writer, musician, or corporate executive. But you haven’t made it a reality yet.
Then maybe what you need is a coach. Just like the people who push athletes to greatness in sports, life and wellness coaches push their clients to find success and satisfaction from their job or lifestyle.
Unlike in sports, life and wellness coaches don't focus on changing certain behaviors, like correcting a bad golf swing. According to the International Coach Federation (ICF), they develop their clients' overall strengths and abilities.
What Is a Life Coach?
These professionals provide the drive and guidance their clients need to improve their careers, relationships, and lives. They help clients to:
*Recognize their skills and dreams
*Refocus their life's goals
*Move past challenges that stand in the way of those goals
*They help their clients find the motivation and tools to get to their physical and emotional health goals.
Why Would I Need Help?
There are many reasons. For instance, you might consider looking for one if you:
*Need some guidance on moving forward in your career
*Want to learn how to take advantage of your own strengths and talents
*Don't know what to do about a major life decision, such as a move or promotion
*Don't have an acceptable work-life balance
*Have a lot of stress
*Aren't as healthy as you'd like to be
How Do I Work With a Coach?
*First, you'll sit down with your life coach or wellness coach over the phone or in person. The sessions will range from 15 minutes to an hour. During that time you'll talk about what you want to accomplish.
*Through the questions your coach asks, together you'll define your goals and the challenges that could stand in your way. Then you'll outline the steps you'll need to take to achieve those goals.
*You'll have homework assignments -- things to think about or do between coaching sessions to work toward your goals. You might need to write in a journal or create "action plans" of things you want to accomplish.
*Your life coach or wellness coach will offer support and guidance along the way. And your coach will hold you accountable for achieving your goals.
*You'll work with your coach for a period of a few months or longer. The time frame depends on how often you meet and what you're hoping to accomplish.
*The cost of coaching can vary. According to company web sites, a coaching session can cost from about $50 to $300 an hour or $300 to $1,000 a month.
What Should I Look for in a Life or Wellness Coach?
Because you would spend a lot of one-on-one time with your coach, not to mention trusting him or her with your goals, make sure the two of you are a good match. You should be comfortable sharing your life's vision with your coach. And you should feel strongly that you will get the help you need to achieve that vision.
I do work with clients that that suffer from mild depression, stress and anxiety.
A coach is different from a psychotherapist, who is a mental health care professional with training in medicine, psychology, nursing, or social work. If you think that depression, anxiety, or other mental health problems may be getting in the way of realizing your goals, then you may want to talk with a licensed mental health professional before you hire a coach. Or I have some clients that utilize both services.
Why does life coaching work?
Coaches have the ability to view things from afar — in what some call ‘helicopter vision’ — and to shed new light on difficult situations. Often they can act as a sounding board through tough decisions, help sharpen skills, and motivate.
What types of people have Life Coaches?
People from all walks of life work with professional Coaches to help attain their goals. Life Coaches work with people in all areas of their life including relationships, career, finance, health and more. Working with a personal Coach is not limited to any type of person, but is best for those who want to take initiative in their own life. People who get a Life Coach are committed to a more fulfilled life and are willing to do the work needed to get there.
How will Life Coaching help?
The results will vary depending on what brings you to a Life Coach. If you get a Life Coach to help you out professionally, life coaching can help you make your current job more gratifying, gain better focus on managing your work, and market your self more effectively. If your reasons are personal, you can find a life coach to help you improve your relationships, resolve ongoing negative behaviors, improve your overall health, and grow spirituality.With life coaching you can live a more balanced and enhanced life, and make your dreams come true!
What happens in a Life Coaching Session?
Each session is tailored to the client and will vary based on individual needs. In the beginning, we will discuss what you are committed to accomplishing through our work together and we will begin to create a plan to achieve your goals. Periodically, I will give you assignments to help direct your progress. We will work together to acknowledge obstacles, explore alternate perspectives and celebrate successes. With the conclusion of each session, we will revisit your goals and evaluate the next steps that are needed to achieve these results.
Do I really need a personal Coach, can't I just do it by myself?
Life coaching can take you above and beyond your own personal limitations. More often than not, people try to achieve their greatest potential, but don’t even realize what stands in their way. A personal Coach can offer an unbiased and objective perspective, and can help you realize your patterns and habits. Most people experience that they are more efficient when working with a Professional Life Coach and that this provides the opportunity for them to better realize their potential. Life coaching can make your dreams attainable and will give you support and encouragement along the way.
How is Coaching different from Therapy?
While the life coaching I provide can be therapeutic, it is not therapy. Coaching is distinct from traditional therapy because it is not designed to address psychological issues. While emotional issues may arise, the primary focus of life coaching is to help you identify your goals, achieve them, and develop constructive habits and skills. There is some emphasis placed on the past with coaching, but instead the focus is on creating what you want now and in the future.
What is your cancellation policy?
I require a 24 hour notice to cancel all sessions. Please be sure to contact me if you will not be able to make your scheduled appointment in order to avoid being charged for the session.
How long do people generally work with a Life Coach?
To experience the effectiveness of a life coaching program, I suggest clients make an initial one to three-month commitment. At the end of the three months, we will evaluate progress and discuss options for continued coaching. On the other hand I also have clients that get their desired results in 1 to 2 sessions.
make it so coaching
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