Mentoring Foster Youth in Transition
The new study — from Chapin Hall, a policy research center at the University of Chicago — finds that those who age out of foster care are not exactly falling off a cliff, but they are desperately clinging to the edge."Many of them are faring poorly," says Courtney. "Less than half were employed at 23, 24. They're much less likely to have finished high school, less likely to be enrolled in college or have a college degree."
In fact, by age 24, only 6 percent have two- or four-year degrees. More than two-thirds of the young women have children. Nearly 60 percent of the males have been convicted of a crime. Almost a quarter were homeless at some point after leaving foster care. These statistics are astonishing but unfortunately not surprising. I grew up in the foster care system and dealing with the transition into the "real world" emancipating was truly a challenge to say the least. I now aspire to be a change agent to help move these statistics in a positive direction.
I collaborate with individuals that will be emancipating or have emancipated from foster care. I also work with Foster Agencies , Group Homes and any organization whose sole purpose is to provide assistance to this group of individuals. My role as a Life Mentor/Coach is to ensure foster Youth have me on their side to provide them with mentorship,accountability and partnership before and after they transition out of the system. Once you hire me as a coach I will always keep in contact with all clients and follow their path to success.
Please reach out to me because I know my Life Mentor/Coaching services can make a difference. I offer 1 on 1 mentor coaching, motivational speaking, training & seminars and group coaching. The age group is usually from age 11-25. Also I donate 15% of what I earn to the FK Scholarship foundation which will award the moneys on a yearly basis to a foster youth recipient.
Inmer A. Perez
Trainer/Mentor/Life Coach
Discover >Evolve >Conquer
© 2013 | Inmer Perez
make it so coaching
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